This letter was first sent as an email to our constituents. To receive regular updates from our office regarding COVID-19, sign up via the "Get Updates" tab.
Federal Program Updates
Dear Neighbour,
This past week faith communities in our community and across Canada celebrated the holidays of Easter, Passover, and Viasakhi. Together we are learning to adapt to these challenging times by celebrating together, despite being physically distanced. I hope you are all keeping safe and taking necessary measures to implement all public health requirements by respecting physical distancing in order to protect yourself and others from COVID-19.
My staff and I have been working hard everyday to respond to the needs and concerns of our community. We are still dealing with a high volume of urgent requests, but are committed to responding to every constituent.
With things changing rapidly, I am also focused on ensuring everyone has the most up-to-date information and that it is accessible. For daily updates, follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, or visit my website.
Today’s email includes updates on:
Temporary Changes to the Canada Summer Jobs Program
The Canada Summer Jobs program has been temporarily changed in order to help support young Canadians looking for employment. The changes to the program will assist small businesses to hire and keep the workers they need, in order to administer essential services.
These changes include:
Applying for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit
Who can apply?
Our government announced expanded eligibility to the CERB to support workers in need of support because of COVID-19.
To be eligible, you must meet the following requirements:
The application portal for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) is open!
First time applying for CERB?
If you have not applied for the first period (March 15 to April 9) you are still able to apply.
2nd period of CERB applications - Important!
You can now apply for the 2nd period of CERB (April 12 to May 9).
Reminder: you must reapply every 4 weeks! You can continue to apply for the CERB if you remain eligible up to a maximum of 16 weeks (4 months)
To reduce the stress on the system, due to the anticipated high volume of applicants for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit, applicants should continue to apply based on their birth month.
Please Note: this will NOT have an impact on when you receive your benefits
Please Note: If you have received two separate payments of $2000 under the Canada Emergency Response, you may have mistakenly applied twice. Don’t worry you will be contacted shortly. Only apply once for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit through either Service Canada or the CRA.
Applicants will receive their Emergency Response payments in about 3 business days after applying if they signed up for direct deposit. If you haven’t, you should get in about 10 business days
Payments will be retroactive to your eligibility date
Steps to complete before you apply to streamline your application process :
Sign up for My Account through the CRA online at:
Sign up for Direct Deposit
Please Note: if you already have a BC Services Card you can log into the Canada Revenue Agency's My Account with that credential and sign up for direct deposit.
Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy
What is the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy?
Calculating Revenues
Calculating revenue for registered and non-profit organizations
Amount of Subsidy
The subsidy amount for a given employee on eligible remuneration paid between March 15 and June 6, 2020 would be the greater of:
Employers may be eligible for a subsidy of up to 100% of the first 75% of pre-crisis wages or salaries of existing employees
The pre-crisis remuneration for a given employee is based on the average weekly remuneration paid between January 1 and March 15 inclusively, excluding any seven-day period in which the employee did not receive any remuneration
Employers will also be eligible for a subsidy of up to 75% of salaries and wages paid to new employees, including salary, wages, and other remuneration like taxable benefits.
There would be no overall limit on the subsidy amount that eligible employers may claim.
Employers are expected to make their best effort to top-up employees’ salaries to pre-crisis levels, if possible
Eligible Periods
Employers are able to calculate the change in their revenue with an alternative benchmark in order to establish their eligibility. This provides flexibility for employers for which the typical approach is not applicable as well as employers established after February 2019.
Eligible Employees
Please Note: this replace the previously announced restriction that an employer would not be eligible to claim the wage subsidy for remuneration paid to an employee in a week that falls within a 4-week period for which the employee is eligible for the Canada Emergency Response Benefit
How to Apply
I will provide more information about the application process as it becomes available in the coming days.
Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA)
To ensure small business are able to access the capital the need during these challenging time, our government launched the Canada Emergency Business Account which has been implemented by eligible financial institutions in cooperation with Export Development Canada (EDC)
What are the eligibility requirements for the CEBA?
Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CERCA)
Our government announced the introduction of the Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CERCA) program for small businesses that will seek to provide loans and/or forgivable loans to commercial property owners who in turn will lower or forgo the rent of small businesses for the months of April (retroactive), May, and June.
In order to implement this program, our government will need to partner with provincial and territorial governments who are responsible for property owner-tenant relationships.
More details on this program will be available soon!
Yours sincerely,
Ron McKinnon
Member of Parliament for Coquitlam - Port Coquitlam
Mon: | By appointment only |
Tue: | By appointment only |
Wed: | By appointment only |
Thu: | By appointment only |
Fri: | By appointment only |
Sat: | Closed. |
Sun: | Closed. |